A walk in the garden (state)

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Binary octopus

Haven't blogged in a while. I needed something really exciting to get me back in the game. So I'm happy that this semester I'm TAing for the class for non-CS majors again. And we also started using clicker which is way more fun than ... well, not using them. But I'm not going to talk about the clicker right now, because they are kinda so last month.

Last week professor Littman has talked about binary numbers. To make people understand, he made a little song-movie about an octopus who counts in binary. He used one of Beatles' songs, but everything else is his contribution (the lyrics, the singing, the drawing and putting everything together). His kids also helped with the voices of the fishes. Here it is.

To my surprise, NOBODY applauded. Rutgers college students are "so cool"...